انفق 30 دينار وتمتع بتوصيل مجانا , اقل من 30 د.ك للمناطف القريبة 1 د.ك والبعيدة 2 د.ك .سيصلك الطلب في خللال يومين من الساعة 10صباحا حتى 8 مساءا


منظفات ومقشرات

  • حالة التوفر : متوفر
  • KD 9.50

Aduki Washing Grains


Facial Exfoliator 70G

Just add water!

A beautifully simple waterless scrub for simply beautiful results. Softening tapioca flour and silky cornstarch perfectly balance the fine exfoliating action of ground aduki beans to protect the skin as you lift away dirt and skin squames. Leaves your complexion velvety smooth and radiant.

Introducing The Lush Version: a fresh take on treasured favourites. Take a trip back in time with us to revisit some iconic formulas from the past and some of our own creations that we bet you never knew about. We’ve picked much-loved formulas back up, dusted them off, and reformulated them for a new era.

What's in it for you?
- Sacha inchi is naturally rich in vitamin E for healthy-looking skin.
- Add as little or as much water as you want to get the right consistency of exfoliation for your skin.
- The softening action of tapioca and cornstarch keeps things gentle while you scrub.

Laving the world Lusher than we found it
Our source of sacha inchi oil supports small-scale producers in Peru.

This self-preserving product is formulated to stay fresh and effective without added synthetic preservatives listed under Annex V of the EU Cosmetic Regulations (EC) No 1223/2009.

How to use:
Take a pinch of this softening scrub and add a little water yourself, making a paste in your palm. Apply to damp skin to finely exfoliate and leave the skin looking fresh and firm. Rinse clean.


مكونات طبيعية

مواد تركيبية آمنة

* يتواجد بشكل طبيعي في الزيوت العطرية.

محاربة التجارب على الحيوانات

لطالما حاربنا التجارب على الحيوانات من قبل أن نفتح متجرنا الأول، والحرب ما تزال مستمرة حتى اليوم، لذلك نحن نقوم باختبار المنتجات على البشر وتعزيز وتمويل استخدام طرق الاختبار البديلة عن ذلك دون أي اختبار على الحيوانات.

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الكلمات الدليليلة : Facial Exfoliator

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