انفق 30 دينار وتمتع بتوصيل مجانا , اقل من 30 د.ك للمناطف القريبة 1 د.ك والبعيدة 2 د.ك .سيصلك الطلب في خللال يومين من الساعة 10صباحا حتى 8 مساءا

ألبان إلفيد

منتجات جديدة

  • حالة التوفر : متوفر
  • KD 3.50

ألبان إلفيد



Apple juice for the autumn equinox

As the power of the sun wanes, we celebrate the fruits of the harvest that will feed skin and soul in the cold, dark days to come. This sweet apple juice soap is made with sacred oakwood, finely blended portobello mushrooms and simmered hazelnuts.

In addition to the 100g slices, large 2.8kg display versions of the soaps are available. Just like a painting on a canvas, these versions have additional details and decoration - from hand-painted details to additional soap mixes dropped and swirled on top.

How to use:
Lather up under running water, wash, then rinse, to leave you feeling squeaky clean.

How to store:
Store your soap in a dry and cool place.

About the Jamie Reid X Lush Collaboration
Inspired by the punk spiritualism of visual artist and Honorary Bard Jamie Reid and our shared love of the ancient ways, this special soap is one in a collection that celebrates a holy festival from the Druidic calendar. Jamie Reid was a radical protest artist, with a life-long interest in Druidry, who used his art to rally against social and cultural injustices. Jamie most famously designed the artwork for the Sex Pistols single ‘God Save the Queen’, which was lauded as the single most iconic image of the punk era. He also designed the album covers for musician, Lush’s music director and fellow druid, the late Simon Emmerson’s band Afro Celt Sound System.

Mo Constantine (Lush Co-Founder & Product Inventor) and her son Jack (Lush Product Inventor) took inspiration from Jamie Reid’s works of art that represent the four solar observances in the Druid’s wheel of the year and created a soap depicting each. These festivals represent our interconnectedness with the planet, and our mission to leave the world Lusher than we found it.

You'll be able to find all four soaps on our website and mobile apps, and in our largest anchor stores around the world. While our smaller shops will stock each soap in line with the solar observance that inspired it.


Water (Aqua), Rapeseed Oil; Coconut Oil, Glycerine, Propylene Glycol, Organic Apple Juice, Perfume, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Wheatgerm oil, Tangerine Oil, Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Oakmoss Absolute, Oakwood Absolute, Fresh Portobello Mushrooms, Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter, Hazelnut Milk, Titanium Dioxide, Sodium Chloride, Citric Acid, Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Bicarbonate, EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Citral, *Citronellol, *Eugenol, *Geraniol, Hydroxycitronellal, *Limonene, *Linalool, Colour 15510, Colour 19140, Colour 42090, Colour 42053

Natural Ingredients

Safe Synthetics

*occurs naturally in essential oils.

محاربة التجارب على الحيوانات

لطالما حاربنا التجارب على الحيوانات من قبل أن نفتح متجرنا الأول، والحرب ما تزال مستمرة حتى اليوم، لذلك نحن نقوم باختبار المنتجات على البشر وتعزيز وتمويل استخدام طرق الاختبار البديلة عن ذلك دون أي اختبار على الحيوانات.

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الكلمات الدليليلة : LUSH × Jamie Reid

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